A Day of Fun, Learning, and Innovation: Activities at OŠ Dobri

On Monday, May 6th, in anticipation of St. Duje’s Day, Dobri School organized a rich program of activities open to everyone. It was a perfect opportunity for students to have fun, learn something new, and spend time with friends and classmates. The teachers designed activities such as learning through play, storytelling, pub quizzes, astronomy sessions, and poetry workshops. The atmosphere was relaxed and stimulating, with students enjoying interactive lessons, exploring new ideas, and expressing themselves through creative activities.

The research group “AI Compile” also joined these activities with a workshop on robotics and artificial intelligence.

Students from the 2b class, along with their teacher Ana Jelavić, had the unique opportunity to work with the educational robot NAO. The activities were led by Assistant Professor Dr. Goran Zaharija and Assistant Nika Jerković from the Department of Informatics, who introduced students to various interactive tasks. The students had fun with games like day/night, animal recognition, and solving math problems, all with the assistance and guidance of the NAO robot.

The joyful atmosphere was evident as everyone ended the day dancing with the robot! Through these activities, students got a hands-on and enjoyable introduction to the basics of robotics, artificial intelligence, and programming. The leaders also organized a discussion session where students could share their thoughts and ask questions about robots and artificial intelligence. This workshop allowed them to creatively and engagingly explore new technologies and develop their interests in the STEM field.

We look forward to the next meeting with the students from Dobri School!

Exploring Robots and Programming with kids group “Zvjezdice” at kindergarten “Koralj”


We were delighted to accept the invitation from the educators at Kindergarten “Koralj” to visit the Kids Group “Zvjezdice” and introduce them to the world of robots and programming.

As professors from the Faculty of Science, we had the privilege of organizing a workshop where the children had the opportunity to learn and explore in a fun and engaging environment.

In designing, organizing, and conducting the workshop participated professors G. Zaharija, M. Mladenović, D. Krpan; assistant A. Prnjak, and students B. Ivković and D. Varešković .

Through hands-on activities and interactive sessions, the Zvjezdice kids group delved into the world of robots and programming, gaining practical skills and knowledge. The workshop fostered creativity, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork among the participants.

We are grateful for the opportunity to share our passion for education with the children at Kindergarten Koralj and look forward to more collaborations in the future!

Brain in a Box: What is (not) intelligence?! – The Festival of Science 2024.

The Festival of Science has come to a close, leaving behind a trail of awe and excitement surrounding the theme of Intelligence! From April 22nd to 27th, we hosted over 200 events, including experiments, workshops, lectures, and exhibitions, all dedicated to exploring the fascinating world of AI.

The kickoff event at the 3 Faculty building was a massive success. Children from various schools and associations joined us for an exciting showcase of

experiments and activities. One standout was the “Brain in a Box: What is (not) intelligence?!” exhibit and activity, led by Dino Nejašmić from the Faculty of Science, Split.

Our star attraction was the Nao robot, captivating visitors with its communication, recognition, and mathematical problem-solving abilities. It’s not just a cool gadget; it offers a glimpse into the future of AI and its impact on our world.

Dino Nejašmić, one of our experts, emphasized that AI isn’t magic; it’s something we can understand and control. He demonstrated how AI can enhance education, industry, and daily life, making it less intimidating and more accessible for everyone.

Although the festival has ended, the conversation about AI continues.  Dino and the team members who helped organize this interesting activity (Saša Mladenović, Ivana Marin, Divna Krpan, and Andrina Granić) invite you to join us as we explore its possibilities and work towards harnessing its power to revolutionize the way we live and work!


AI in Education – A New Beginning or the Beginning of the End – CUC2024

The 26th CARNET User Conference CUC2024, Croatia’s largest educational conference, concluded today in Rovinj under the theme “AI in Education – A New Beginning or the Beginning of the End

I was honored to be part of this conference. We explored key themes of the future of education in the digital age.

Juraj Bilić, Assistant Director of CARNET for the AI Sector, spoke about the AI Act and CARNET’s projectSupport for the Application of Digital Technologies in Education – BrAIn“.

CARNET’s project “Support for the Application of Digital Technologies in Education – BrAIn” aimed at improving the quality of the educational process through the integration of digital technologies to establish personalized learning and teaching approaches, as well as through the development of curricula and digital educational content in emerging digital technology fields. Juraj presented newly developed curricula on artificial intelligence, which will be implemented experimentally from this fall as an extracurricular activity for primary schools and an elective subject for high schools.

Under the theme “Artificial Intelligence: From Regulation to Education” speakers included Jaye Richards Hill, Microsoft EDU Director for Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, Saša Mladenović, a full professor at the Faculty of Science, University of Split, and head of the artificial intelligence research group; Dalia Kager, an informatics teacher and mentor from Eugen Kvaternik Elementary School in Velika Gorica; Antonija Capan, a mathematics teacher at Grabrik Elementary School; and Juraj Bilić, Assistant Director of CARNET for the AI Sector.

In addition to the online component held on April 9th and 10th, the conference welcomed participants in Rovinj on April 18th and 19th. More than 1000 participants had the opportunity to participate in over 30 workshops and informal Birds of Feather discussions, more than 70 interactive presentations, as well as focus groups and panel discussions.

This conference provided a valuable opportunity for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices in integrating technology into education. Continuing the tradition of fostering innovation in education, CARNET has once again demonstrated its commitment to improving the Croatian educational system and promoting collaboration between industry, various educational institutions, and science.

Results of Computer science competition for elementary schools

For the seventh consecutive year, graduate students in the teaching study program of the computer science methodical group, under the organization of Assoc. Prof. Monika Mladenović, have been preparing students for the computer science competition in the category of Algorithm Applications. Professor Goran Zaharija also participated in organizing the preparation of elementary school students for programming competitions.

The national computer science competition took place from April 9th to 12th in Vodice. We are proud to highlight that students from our county achieved remarkable and record-breaking results in all competition categories. We are especially pleased to note that among the students who achieved outstanding results in the Algorithms category (Python), two of them were prepared at the Department of Computer Science. Official results can be seen at this address (https://www.azoo.hr/app/uploads/2024/04/drzavno-natjecanje-iz-informatike-rezultati.pdf).

Here are the highlights:

Student Luka Rančić from Split 3 Elementary School, under the mentorship of teacher Mile Ozretić, won two first places in the Basics of Computer Science and Application of Algorithms for 8th grade.
Student Lav Mlinar from Manuš Elementary School, under the mentorship of teacher Katica Jukić, won two first places and one second place in the Basics of Computer Science, Logo, and Application of Algorithms for 7th grade.
We are especially honored that students for the Algorithm Applications category (Python programming language) were also prepared at the Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science, as part of the competition preparations. Luka was mentored by Ana Strunje, while Lav was mentored by Valentina Čokić and Assoc. Prof. Goran Zaharija. Both students are in their second year of the graduate program in Computer Science teaching study program.

These achievements are, among other things, the result of successful collaboration between the Teaching bases for computer science methodical exercises and the Faculty.

Congratulations to the students for their outstanding results, as well as to the mentors who are our external collaborators for methodical subjects, and to the students who helped achieve excellent results!

The winning team

We look forward to the challenges and a new cycle of preparations next year.

Exploring Artificial Intelligence: Highlights from the Scientific Espresso Event

Scientific Espresso

The recent Scientific Espresso event, held on March 19th as part of the University of Split’s 50th-anniversary celebrations, was a resounding success, with a packed crowd at the Tinel café bar.

Attendees had the opportunity to engage with experts in a relaxed setting, discussing the latest trends in artificial intelligence (AI). The panel, consisting of renowned academics including Professor Saša Mladenović, Professor Darko Stipaničev, Associate Professor Željana Bašić, and Associate Professor Marita Brčić Kuljiš, along with moderator Pinija Poljaković, explored the potential of AI to revolutionize business and its ethical implications.

Discussions centered on the role of AI in replacing human tasks and its capacity to augment human capabilities rather than replacing them entirely. The experts highlighted the importance of human oversight in AI development and the need for responsible use to ensure positive outcomes.

Overall, the event provided valuable insights into the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence and its implications for society.

Uspješno održano županijsko natjecanje iz informatike u području razvoja softvera

Razvoj softvera

U petak, 1. ožujka 2024. godine, održano je županijsko natjecanje iz informatike u području razvoja softvera. Natjecanje je okupilo 19 talentiranih učenika srednjih škola Splitsko-Dalmatinske županije koji su predstavili 11 inovativnih projekata.

Među članovima izbornog povjerenstva bili su Goran Zaharija i Dino Nejašmić, djelatnici Odjela za Informatiku Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta u Splitu te članovi istraživačke grupe AI COMPILE. Povjerenstvo je imalo težak zadatak procijeniti kvalitetu projekata i vještinu prezentacije.
Sudionici su demonstrirali svoju kreativnost kroz sjajne ideje za teme projekta ali i impresivne vještine i znanje u području razvoja softvera. Projekti su bili raznoliki i obuhvaćali su područja poput web aplikacija, mobilnih aplikacija, igara i edukativnih alata.

Nakon što su sudionici prezentirali svoje projekte, povjerenstvo je donijelo sljedeću odluku:

1. mjesto: BiosferaJan Modun, Josipa Šaravanja, Lovre Tomić – III. Gimnazija Split

2. mjesto: ShowMeMihael Purar, Ivan Stepinac – Elektrotehnička škola Split

3. mjesto: BallWizardTonči Crljen, Karlo Grgić – III. gimnazija Split

Ovo natjecanje je još jednom potvrdilo kako u našim srednjim školama postoji mnoštvo talentiranih učenika s velikim potencijalom u području informatike.
Svim sudionicima im želimo puno sreće u daljnjem radu i obrazovanju.

Umjetna inteligencija: stvaranje novih obzora

U poticajnom okruženju MEDILS-a (Mediteranski institut za istraživanje života), organiziran je 12. Rotary Forum u organizaciji Rotary Cluba Split, pod nazivom  “Umjetna inteligencija: stvaranje novih obzora”.

Forum je okupio istaknute stručnjake iz područja umjetne inteligencije kako bi podijelili svoja znanja i perspektive o utjecaju AI-a na društvo, poslovanje i svakodnevni život.

Cilj foruma je poticanje dijaloga i razumijevanja o AI tehnologijama i njihovom značaju za budućnost kroz niz predavanja i panel diskusiju.

Prepuna dvorana dokaz je kako ovakvih događaja nedostaje, a iznimno smo ponosni što je dio napora istraživačke grupe AI COMPILE, usmjeren prema popularizaciji, ali i kritičkoj uporabi tehnologije temeljene na umjetnoj inteligenciji imao priliku predstaviti Saša Mladenović kroz predavanje Umjetna inteligencija u obrazovanju te sudjelovanje na panelu znakovitog naziva Što nas čeka?

Ako vas zanima više o ovoj temi, možete posjetiti sljedeće poveznice: Rotary Club Split, Slobodna Dalmacija, Dalmatinski portal, Dalmacija Danas.

Kako slike govore više od riječi, pogledajte dio atmosfere na ovom primjereno organiziranom događanju.

Posjet učenika Zdravstvene škole PMF-u

Sv. Nikola ove je godine učenicima četvrtog razreda Zdravstvene škole u Splitu, usmjerenja farmaceutski tehničar donio na poklon predstavljanje mogućnosti nastavka školovanja na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu za što je zaslužna nastavnica Ines Drnasin. Učenici su posjetili Laboratorij za umjetnu inteligenciju gdje su im doc. dr. sc. Goran Zaharija,doc. dr. sc. Divna Krpan i prof. dr. sc. Saša Mladenović pokazali neke od učeničkih i studentskih radova koji su nastali pod njihovim mentorstvom. Nakon toga doc. dr. sc. Monika Mladenović iz vlastitog je iskustva rada u bolnici pojašnjavala vezu između informatike i područja zdravstva te je predstavila preddiplomski i diplomske studijske programe Odjela za informatiku.. Učenicima su se obratili i studenti Franko Cvrlje, Mia Jadrić i Antea Ćelić koji studiraju informatiku na PMF-u u Splitu. Nakon toga, uz suradnju doc. dr. sc. Antonele Sovulj s Odjela za biologiju učenicima su se predstavile mogućnosti studiranja na studijima za koje je zadužen Odjel za biologiju te laboratoriji u kojima se provode istraživanja. Posjet se nastavio na Odjelu za kemiju gdje su učenike primili doc. dr. sc. Barbara Soldo i prof. dr. sc. Ivica Ljubenkov koji su predstavili istraživačku i nastavnu djelatnost Odjela za kemiju te govorili o vlastitom putu iz učeničkih klupa do znanstvenika.


Naši najbolji znanstvenici još su u vrtiću

Želimo s vama podijeliti iznimno inspirativan dan koji smo na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu u Splitu proveli s našim najmlađim znanstvenicima! U suradnji s Dječjim vrtićem Dobri iz Splita, u srijedu, 7. studenog 2023., odvila se posebna posjeta našem fakultetu koju su iz DV Dobri organizirale Ecija Budić i Danijela Vukorepa.

Naši gosti su bili mali istraživači koji pohađaju 6-satni vrtićki program, a njihov dan bio je ispunjen raznolikim i uzbudljivim aktivnostima koje su pripremile istraživačka grupa za umjetnu inteligenciju i istraživačka grupa za istraživanje u informatičkom obrazovanju s Odjela za informatiku, te predstavnica Odjela za biologiju.

Saša Mladenović, Goran Zaharija, Divna Krpan, Antonela Prnjak, Monika Mladenović i Antonela Sovulj bili su entuzijastični organizatori, pripremivši višesatni program usmjeren na integrirano STEM obrazovanje. Djeca su sudjelovala u radionicama koje su obuhvatile razvoj računalnog razmišljanja, opipljivo programiranje pomoću posebno razvijenih didaktičkih materijala te upoznavanje s fascinantnim svijetom umjetne inteligencije te proširene i virtualne stvarnosti.

Osim toga, posjetitelji su imali priliku istražiti zoološku zbirku Odjela za biologiju, sudjelovati u mikroskopiranju te se uključiti u niz zanimljivih interakcija s našim znanstvenicima.

Ova inicijativa nije samo jednokratni događaj. Članovi istraživačkih grupa jasno ističu kako je organizacija i sudjelovanje u aktivnostima popularizacije STEM područja za djecu u vrtićima trajni cilj. Zainteresiranost za STEM područje razvija se kroz kontinuirane aktivnosti, pažljivo raspoređene tijekom odrastanja djece i mladih.

Fotografije s ovog posebnog dana dostupne su u prilogu, tako da možete zaviriti u svijet istraživanja i otkrivanja koji smo zajedno stvorili. Hvala svima na posjeti, a radujemo se ponovnom okupljanju iduće godine kako bismo zajedno nastavili poticati znatiželju i ljubav prema znanosti kod naših najmlađih!